United Kingdom-based gospel singer Nathan Bello, also known as Nathan the Psalmist, believes he is living out his life’s purpose through his music. Reflecting on his journey, he shared, “Before I came out of my mother’s womb, He had sanctified me, and ordained me prophet unto nations. So, God has made this happen; not me. I thank Him because I am fulfilling purpose.”
Despite the sense of divine calling, Nathan acknowledges that his path is not without its challenges. “Music is a universal language that does not change,” he said. “So, people from all over the world can ‘flow’ with one’s tune, as long as it’s pleasing to their ears. However, not everyone wants to hear the name of Jesus, and that’s a challenge. But I won’t stop calling it because that’s the ‘market I am trying to sell’ through my music.”
Nathan the Psalmist also touched on the difficulties of promoting his work, noting, “Promotion is another problem, but thank God for social media, which has given me space to explore and spread my music.”
Describing his sound as a blend of contemporary gospel, Afrobeats, RnB, and high praise, Nathan first made his mark with the release of his debut album, The Amazing God, in 2021. He followed it up with a single titled “Faith” and is now preparing to release two more singles, “I’m a Miracle” and “Taking Over.”
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