Expert: Faith, religious activities and Having a good relationship with God can prevent hypertension

Expert: Faith, religious activities can prevent hypertension

Expert: Faith, religious activities and Having a good relationship with God can prevent hypertension

Expert: Faith, religious activities can prevent hypertension

Faith, religious activities can prevent hypertension – Dr Adesida Adewunmi

A medical expert, Dr Adesida Adewunmi, has said that having a good relationship with God and engaging in religious activities such as praying, fasting and meditation can prevent risk of hypertension.

Adewunmi stated this on Saturday at the ongoing medical outreach organised by the Customs Officers Wives Association (COWA) in Abuja, to mark World Hypertension day.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the association screened its members and personnel of the Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) of BP at the service’s headquarters.

They also distributed more than 200 BP monitors at the event.The expert, a consultant and family physician, said that lack of spirituality has been linked to high BP.

He explained that spirituality was the relationship an individual has with God, while being religious entails the activities individuals do to express their relationship with God.He said being spiritual and religious could give people hope even amid difficulties, thereby preventing them from the risk of having high BP.

Adewunmi said that anger, malice, and grudges could lead to high blood pressure, as these behaviors can cause unnecessary conflicts and tension with people.

He added that maintaining good relationships with family members, spouses, friends, and co-workers can help reduce risk of high BP.According to the expert, abstaining from alcohol and smoking can lower the risk of high blood pressure.

“WHO latest research has shown that a drop of alcohol is no longer safe, it even predisposes you to cancer,” he said.

He also encouraged personnel and COWA members to steer clear of processed and packaged foods.According to the consultant, regular sex among married people can reduce the risk of hypertension.

“ We have discovered if you have regular sex with your spouse at least three times a week, it brings your BP down.This is because intercourse releases what we call endorphins and oxytocin hormones, these are relaxation hormones which makes you to be young and calm down, so your BP will calm down,” he said.

Earlier in her remarks, the President of COWA, Mrs Kikelomo Adeniyi, said that the health talk organised was aimed at empowering the target group in making informed decision about their lifestyle.Adeniyi described hypertension as a silent killer which required proactive steps to address the situation.

“It is crucial that we recognise the importance of understanding this condition, empowering ourselves with knowledge, and taking proactive steps towards prevention and management,” she said.

She said that COWA members have a duty to ensure their spouses check their BP regularly and accurately, to prevent future complications and breakdown at work.

She said that the 2024 theme, ‘Measure your blood pressure accurately, control it, and live longer’ was apt in emphasising the importance of early detection of the disease to ensure those affected take the necessary steps.

In his remarks, the Comptroller General (C-G) of NCS, Adewale Adeniyi, said the event was a demonstration of COWA’s support in ensuring their spouses contributed their quota to national growth.

Represented by Festus Okun, the DCG in Charge of Finance Administration and Technical Services, he said that most personnel were overwhelmed in the discharge of their duties and give little attention to their health.

Adeniyi advised the personnel to go for regular checks as their duties could be stressful and urged them to also adopt a healthy lifestyle.NAN also reports that the World Hypertension Day is observed globally on May 17, with the aim to create awareness and promote the prevention, detection and treatment of hypertension.(NAN)

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